Thursday, March 26, 2009

MBA - highly over-rated

RE: The Finance MBA: Life Beyond Wall Street

M - More
B - Bad
A - Advice

In my 25 years in business, I laugh at the MBA's
arrogance. These are the same people that brought
you Lehman Brothers and others failures. I have a
partnership with 3 of them on a real estate deal for 10
years and because of their lack of ability to think
critically, arrogance and herd mentality have caused
another mini-Lehman Brothers of our own.

I only hire people that have worked thru from the
bottom of the industry to the top - they offer insight
and compassion to the people that make and save
money - a care about the company. MBA's are about

MBA - highly over-rated. I hope that they learn to eat
humble pie and have a beer with the working class to
get a reality check thru these tough times. They have
hurt alot of people and were not aware of their actions
- sad really.

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